* Support systemd socket activation If the process has been started with systemd socket activation configured, then serve requests on the passed-in socket instead of attempting to bind to an address. * Add example systemd unit files. Add example systemd unit files which make use of systemd's security facilities, and also allow binding to port 80 whilst running as an unpriviliged process (using systemd socket activation).
Example systemd unit files
To use these, first review the speedtest.* unit files, and then:
cp ../speedtest /usr/local/bin/
mkdir -p /usr/local/share/speedtest /usr/local/etc
cp -aR ../web/assets /usr/local/share/speedtest/assets
cp speedtest-settings.toml /usr/local/etc
cp speedtest.* /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
If you wish to use the bolt database type:
# Create static system user and group
adduser --system --group --no-create-home --disabled-password speedtest
mkdir -p /usr/local/var/speedtest
touch /usr/local/var/speedtest/speedtest.db
chown speedtest. /usr/local/var/speedtest/speedtest.db
To start (and enable at boot-up):
systemctl enable --now speedtest.socket
speedtest-go should now be listening for http request on port 80 on the local machine.
You will need to customise the html files e.g. edit
to suit your site.