var appInfo = {}; var appFeatures = {}; var editor = null; var connected = false; var bookmarks = {}; var default_rows_limit = 100; var currentObject = null; var autocompleteObjects = []; var inputResizing = false; var inputResizeOffset = null; var filterOptions = { "equal": "= 'DATA'", "not_equal": "!= 'DATA'", "greater": "> 'DATA'" , "greater_eq": ">= 'DATA'", "less": "< 'DATA'", "less_eq": "<= 'DATA'", "like": "LIKE 'DATA'", "ilike": "ILIKE 'DATA'", "null": "IS NULL", "not_null": "IS NOT NULL" }; function getSessionId() { var id = sessionStorage.getItem("session_id"); if (!id) { id = guid(); sessionStorage.setItem("session_id", id); } return id; } function setRowsLimit(num) { localStorage.setItem("rows_limit", num); } function getRowsLimit() { return parseInt(localStorage.getItem("rows_limit") || default_rows_limit); } function getPaginationOffset() { var page = $(".current-page").data("page"); var limit = getRowsLimit(); return (page - 1) * limit; } function getPagesCount(rowsCount) { var limit = getRowsLimit(); var num = parseInt(rowsCount / limit); if ((num * limit) < rowsCount) { num++; } return num; } function apiCall(method, path, params, cb) { var timeout = appFeatures.query_timeout; if (timeout == null) { timeout = 300; // in seconds } $.ajax({ timeout: timeout * 1000, // in milliseconds url: "api" + path, method: method, cache: false, data: params, headers: { "x-session-id": getSessionId() }, success: cb, error: function(xhr, status, data) { switch(status) { case "error": if (xhr.readyState == 0) { // 0 = UNSENT showErrorBanner("Sorry, something went wrong with your request. Refresh the page and try again!"); } break; case "timeout": return cb({ error: "Query timeout after " + timeout + "s" }); } cb(jQuery.parseJSON(xhr.responseText)); } }); } function getInfo(cb) { apiCall("get", "/info", {}, cb); } function getConnection(cb) { apiCall("get", "/connection", {}, cb); } function getSchemas(cb) { apiCall("get", "/schemas", {}, cb); } function getObjects(cb) { apiCall("get", "/objects", {}, cb); } function getTables(cb) { apiCall("get", "/tables", {}, cb); } function getTableRows(table, opts, cb) { apiCall("get", "/tables/" + table + "/rows", opts, cb); } function getTableStructure(table, opts, cb) { apiCall("get", "/tables/" + table, opts, cb); } function getTableIndexes(table, cb) { apiCall("get", "/tables/" + table + "/indexes", {}, cb); } function getTableConstraints(table, cb) { apiCall("get", "/tables/" + table + "/constraints", {}, cb); } function getFunction(id, cb) { apiCall("get", "/functions/" + id, {}, cb); } function getHistory(cb) { apiCall("get", "/history", {}, cb); } function getBookmarks(cb) { apiCall("get", "/bookmarks", {}, cb); } function executeQuery(query, cb) { apiCall("post", "/query", { query: query }, cb); } function explainQuery(query, cb) { apiCall("post", "/explain", { query: query }, cb); } function analyzeQuery(query, cb) { apiCall("post", "/analyze", { query: query }, cb); } function disconnect(cb) { apiCall("post", "/disconnect", {}, cb); } function encodeQuery(query) { return Base64.encode(query).replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/=/g, "."); } function showErrorBanner(text) { if (window.errBannerTimeout != null) { clearTimeout(window.errBannerTimeout); } window.errBannerTimeout = setTimeout(function() { $("#error_banner").fadeOut("fast").text(""); }, 3000); $("#error_banner").text(text).show(); } function buildSchemaSection(name, objects) { var section = ""; var titles = { "table": "Tables", "view": "Views", "materialized_view": "Materialized Views", "function": "Functions", "sequence": "Sequences" }; var icons = { "table": '', "view": '', "materialized_view": '', "function": '', "sequence": '' }; var klass = ""; if (name == "public") klass = "expanded"; section += "
"; section += "
" + name + "
"; section += "
"; ["table", "view", "materialized_view", "function", "sequence"].forEach(function(group) { group_klass = ""; if (name == "public" && group == "table") group_klass = "expanded"; section += "
"; section += "
" + titles[group] + " " + objects[group].length + "
"; section += "
    "; if (objects[group]) { objects[group].forEach(function(item) { var id = name + "." +; // Use function OID since multiple functions with the same name might exist if (group == "function") { id = item.oid; } section += "
  • " + icons[group] + " " + + "
  • "; }); section += "
"; } }); section += "
"; return section; } function loadSchemas() { $("#objects").html(""); var emptyObjectList = function() { return { table: [], view: [], materialized_view: [], function: [], sequence: [] } } getSchemas(function(schemasData) { if (schemasData.error) { alert("Error while fetching schemas: " + schemasData.error); return; } getObjects(function(data) { if (data.error) { alert("Error while fetching database objects: " + data.error); return; } if (Object.keys(data).length == 0) { data["public"] = emptyObjectList(); } for (schemaName of schemasData) { // Allow users to see empty schemas if we dont have any objects in them if (!data[schemaName]) { data[schemaName] = emptyObjectList(); } $(buildSchemaSection(schemaName, data[schemaName])).appendTo("#objects"); } if (Object.keys(data).length == 1) { $(".schema").addClass("expanded"); } // Clear out all autocomplete objects autocompleteObjects = []; for (schema in data) { for (kind in data[schema]) { if (!(kind == "table" || kind == "view" || kind == "materialized_view" || kind == "function")) { continue } for (item in data[schema][kind]) { autocompleteObjects.push({ caption: data[schema][kind][item].name, value: data[schema][kind][item].name, meta: kind }); } } } bindContextMenus(); }); }); } function escapeHtml(str) { if (str != null || str != undefined) { return jQuery("
").text(str).html(); } return "null"; } function unescapeHtml(str){ var e = document.createElement("div"); e.innerHTML = str; return e.childNodes.length === 0 ? "" : e.childNodes[0].nodeValue; } function getCurrentObject() { return currentObject || { name: "", type: "" }; } function resetTable() { $("#results_header").html(""); $("#results_body").html(""); $("#results_view").html("").hide(); $("#results"). data("mode", ""). removeClass("empty"). removeClass("no-crop"). show(); } function performTableAction(table, action, el) { if (action == "truncate" || action == "delete") { var message = "Are you sure you want to " + action + " table " + table + " ?"; if (!confirm(message)) return; } switch(action) { case "truncate": executeQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE " + table, function(data) { if (data.error) alert(data.error); resetTable(); }); break; case "delete": executeQuery("DROP TABLE " + table, function(data) { if (data.error) alert(data.error); loadSchemas(); resetTable(); }); break; case "export": var format ="format"); var db = $("#current_database").text(); var filename = db + "." + table + "." + format; var query = "SELECT * FROM " + table; openInNewWindow("api/query", { "format": format, "filename": filename, "query": query }); break; case "dump": openInNewWindow("api/export", { "table": table }); break; case "copy": copyToClipboard(table.split('.')[1]); break; } } function performViewAction(view, action, el) { if (action == "delete") { var message = "Are you sure you want to " + action + " view " + view + " ?"; if (!confirm(message)) return; } switch(action) { case "delete": executeQuery("DROP VIEW " + view, function(data) { if (data.error) alert(data.error); loadSchemas(); resetTable(); }); break; case "export": var format ="format"); var db = $("#current_database").text(); var filename = db + "." + view + "." + format; var query = "SELECT * FROM " + view; openInNewWindow("api/query", { "format": format, "filename": filename, "query": query }); break; case "copy": copyToClipboard(view.split('.')[1]); break; case "copy_def": executeQuery("SELECT pg_get_viewdef('" + view + "', true);", function(data) { if (data.error) { alert(data.error); return; } copyToClipboard(data.rows[0]); }); break; case "view_def": executeQuery("SELECT pg_get_viewdef('" + view + "', true);", function(data) { if (data.error) { alert(data.error); return; } showViewDefinition(view, data.rows[0]); }); break; } } function performRowAction(action, value) { if (action == "stop_query") { if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to stop the query?")) return; executeQuery("SELECT pg_cancel_backend(" + value + ");", function(data) { if (data.error) alert(data.error); setTimeout(showActivityPanel, 1000); }); } } function sortArrow(direction) { switch (direction) { case "ASC": return "▲"; case "DESC": return "▼"; default: return ""; } } function buildTable(results, sortColumn, sortOrder, options) { if (!options) options = {}; var action = options.action; resetTable(); if (results.error) { $("#results_header").html(""); $("#results_body").html("ERROR: " + results.error + ""); return; } if (results.rows.length == 0) { $("#results_header").html(""); $("#results_body").html("No records found"); $("#result-rows-count").html(""); $("#results").addClass("empty"); return; } var cols = ""; var rows = ""; results.columns.forEach(function(col) { if (col === sortColumn) { cols += "" + col + " " + sortArrow(sortOrder) + ""; } else { cols += "" + col + ""; } }); // No header to make the column non-sortable if (action) { cols += ""; // Determine which column contains the data attribute action.dataColumn = results.columns.indexOf(; } results.rows.forEach(function(row) { var r = ""; // Add all actual row data here for (i in row) { r += "
" + escapeHtml(row[i]) + "
"; } // Add row action button if (action) { r += "" + action.title + ""; } rows += "" + r + ""; }); $("#results_header").html(cols); $("#results_body").html(rows); // Show number of rows rendered on the page if (results.stats) { $("#result-rows-count").html(results.stats.rows_count + " rows in " + results.stats.query_duration_ms + " ms"); } else { $("#result-rows-count").html(results.rows.length + " rows"); } } function setCurrentTab(id) { // Pagination should only be visible on rows tab if (id != "table_content") { $("#body").removeClass("with-pagination"); } $("#nav ul li.selected").removeClass("selected"); $("#" + id).addClass("selected"); // Persist tab selection into the session storage sessionStorage.setItem("tab", id); } function showQueryHistory() { getHistory(function(data) { var rows = []; for(i in data) { rows.unshift([parseInt(i) + 1, data[i].query, data[i].timestamp]); } buildTable({ columns: ["id", "query", "timestamp"], rows: rows }); setCurrentTab("table_history"); $("#input").hide(); $("#body").prop("class", "full"); $("#results").addClass("no-crop"); }); } function showTableIndexes() { var name = getCurrentObject().name; if (name.length == 0) { alert("Please select a table!"); return; } getTableIndexes(name, function(data) { setCurrentTab("table_indexes"); buildTable(data); $("#input").hide(); $("#body").prop("class", "full"); $("#results").addClass("no-crop"); }); } function showTableConstraints() { var name = getCurrentObject().name; if (name.length == 0) { alert("Please select a table!"); return; } getTableConstraints(name, function(data) { setCurrentTab("table_constraints"); buildTable(data); $("#input").hide(); $("#body").prop("class", "full"); $("#results").addClass("no-crop"); }); } function showTableInfo() { var name = getCurrentObject().name; if (name.length == 0) { alert("Please select a table!"); return; } apiCall("get", "/tables/" + name + "/info", {}, function(data) { $(".table-information .lines").show(); $("#table_total_size").text(data.total_size); $("#table_data_size").text(data.data_size); $("#table_index_size").text(data.index_size); $("#table_rows_count").text(data.rows_count); $("#table_encoding").text("Unknown"); }); buildTableFilters(name, getCurrentObject().type); } function updatePaginator(pagination) { if (!pagination) { $(".current-page").data("page", 1).data("pages", 1); $("").text("1 of 1"); $(".prev-page, .next-page").prop("disabled", "disabled"); return; } $(".current-page"). data("page", data("pages", pagination.pages_count); if ( > 1) { $(".prev-page").prop("disabled", ""); } else { $(".prev-page").prop("disabled", "disabled"); } if (pagination.pages_count > 1 && < pagination.pages_count) { $(".next-page").prop("disabled", ""); } else { $(".next-page").prop("disabled", "disabled"); } $("#total_records").text(pagination.rows_count); if (pagination.pages_count == 0) pagination.pages_count = 1; $("").text( + " of " + pagination.pages_count); } function showTableContent(sortColumn, sortOrder) { var name = getCurrentObject().name; if (name.length == 0) { alert("Please select a table!"); return; } if (getCurrentObject().type == "function") { alert("Cant view rows for a function"); return; } var opts = { limit: getRowsLimit(), offset: getPaginationOffset(), sort_column: sortColumn, sort_order: sortOrder }; var filter = { column: $(".filters select.column").val(), op: $(".filters select.filter").val(), input: $(".filters input").val() }; // Apply filtering only if column is selected if (filter.column && filter.op) { var where = [ '"' + filter.column + '"', filterOptions[filter.op].replace("DATA", filter.input) ].join(" "); opts["where"] = where; } getTableRows(name, opts, function(data) { $("#input").hide(); $("#body").prop("class", "with-pagination"); buildTable(data, sortColumn, sortOrder); setCurrentTab("table_content"); updatePaginator(data.pagination); $("#results").data("mode", "browse").data("table", name); }); } function showPaginatedTableContent() { var activeColumn = $("#results"); var sortColumn = null; var sortOrder = null; if (activeColumn.length) { sortColumn ="name"); sortOrder ="order"); } showTableContent(sortColumn, sortOrder); } function showTableStructure() { var name = getCurrentObject().name; if (name.length == 0) { alert("Please select a table!"); return; } setCurrentTab("table_structure"); $("#input").hide(); $("#body").prop("class", "full"); getTableStructure(name, { type: getCurrentObject().type }, function(data) { if (getCurrentObject().type == "function") { var name = data.rows[0][data.columns.indexOf("proname")]; var definition = data.rows[0][data.columns.indexOf("functiondef")]; showFunctionDefinition(name, definition); return } buildTable(data); $("#results").addClass("no-crop"); }); } function showViewDefinition(viewName, viewDefintion) { setCurrentTab("table_structure"); renderResultsView("View definition for: " + viewName + "", viewDefintion); } function showFunctionDefinition(functionName, definition) { setCurrentTab("table_structure"); renderResultsView("Function definition for: " + functionName + "", definition) } function renderResultsView(title, content) { $("#results").addClass("no-crop"); $("#input").hide(); $("#body").prop("class", "full"); $("#results").hide(); var title = $("
").prop("class", "title").html(title); var content = $("

"). html(""). addClass("copy"). appendTo(content); $("#results_view").html(""); title.appendTo("#results_view"); content.appendTo("#results_view"); $("#results_view").show(); } function showQueryPanel() { if (!$("#table_query").hasClass("selected")) { resetTable(); } setCurrentTab("table_query"); editor.focus(); $("#input").show(); $("#body").prop("class", "") } function showConnectionPanel() { setCurrentTab("table_connection"); $("#input").hide(); $("#body").addClass("full"); getConnection(function(data) { var rows = []; for(key in data) { rows.push([key, data[key]]); } buildTable({ columns: ["attribute", "value"], rows: rows }); }); } function showActivityPanel() { var options = { action: { name: "stop_query", title: "stop", data: "pid", style: "danger" } } setCurrentTab("table_activity"); $("#input").hide(); $("#body").addClass("full"); apiCall("get", "/activity", {}, function(data) { buildTable(data, null, null, options); }); } function showQueryProgressMessage() { $("#run, #explain-dropdown-toggle, #csv, #json, #xml").prop("disabled", true); $("#explain-dropdown").removeClass("open"); $("#query_progress").show(); } function hideQueryProgressMessage() { $("#run, #explain-dropdown-toggle, #csv, #json, #xml").prop("disabled", false); $("#query_progress").hide(); } function getEditorSelection() { // Return the exact selection if user has one var query = $.trim(editor.getSelectedText()); if (query.length > 0) { return query; } query = editor.getValue(); // Determine which query we should run when there are multiple queries without a delimiter if (query.indexOf(";") == -1) { var subquery = getSubquery(query, editor.getCursorPosition()); if (subquery) { // Highlight query selection so user knows what is being executed if (subquery.numChunks > 1) { editor.selection.setSelectionRange({ start: { row: subquery.startRow, column: 0 }, end: { row: subquery.endRow, column: 0 }, }) } return subquery.text; } } return query; } function getSubquery(text, cursor) { var lines = text.split("\n"); var startRow = undefined; var numChunks = 0; var ranges = []; for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i].trim().length == 0) { if (startRow >= 0 && cursor.row >= startRow && cursor.row <= i) { ranges.push([startRow, i]); } numChunks++; startRow = undefined; continue; } if (startRow === undefined) { startRow = i; } if (i == lines.length - 1) { ranges.push([startRow, i + 1]); numChunks++; } } if (ranges.length > 0) { return { text: lines.slice(ranges[0][0], ranges[0][1]).join("\n"), startRow: ranges[0][0], endRow: ranges[0][1], numChunks: numChunks }; } } function runQuery() { setCurrentTab("table_query"); showQueryProgressMessage(); var query = getEditorSelection(); if (query.length == 0) { hideQueryProgressMessage(); return; } executeQuery(query, function(data) { buildTable(data); hideQueryProgressMessage(); $("#input").show(); $("#body").removeClass("full"); $("#results").data("mode", "query"); if (query.toLowerCase().indexOf("explain") != -1) { $("#results").addClass("no-crop"); } // Reload objects list if anything was created/deleted if (query.match(/(create|drop)\s/i)) { loadSchemas(); } }); } function runExplain() { setCurrentTab("table_query"); showQueryProgressMessage(); var query = getEditorSelection(); if (query.length == 0) { hideQueryProgressMessage(); return; } explainQuery(query, function(data) { buildTable(data); hideQueryProgressMessage(); $("#input").show(); $("#body").removeClass("full"); $("#results").addClass("no-crop"); }); } function runAnalyze() { setCurrentTab("table_query"); showQueryProgressMessage(); var query = getEditorSelection(); if (query.length == 0) { hideQueryProgressMessage(); return; } analyzeQuery(query, function(data) { buildTable(data); hideQueryProgressMessage(); $("#input").show(); $("#body").removeClass("full"); $("#results").addClass("no-crop"); }); } function generateURL(path, params) { var url = new URL(window.location.href.split("#")[0]); url.pathname += path; for (key in params) { url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]); } // Automatically append session id so we dont have to do that everywhere url.searchParams.append("_session_id", getSessionId()); return url.toString(); } function openInNewWindow(path, params) { var url = generateURL(path, params); var win =, '_blank'); win.focus(); } function exportTo(format) { var query = getEditorSelection(); if (query.length == 0) { return; } setCurrentTab("table_query"); openInNewWindow("api/query", { "format": format, "query": encodeQuery(query) }) } // Fetch all unique values for the selected column in the table function showUniqueColumnsValues(table, column, showCounts) { var query = 'SELECT DISTINCT "' + column + '" FROM ' + table; // Display results ordered by counts. // This could be slow on large sets without an index. if (showCounts) { query = 'SELECT DISTINCT "' + column + '", COUNT(1) AS total_count FROM ' + table + ' GROUP BY "' + column + '" ORDER BY total_count DESC'; } executeQuery(query, function(data) { $("#input").hide(); $("#body").prop("class", "full"); $("#results").data("mode", "query"); buildTable(data); }); } // Show numeric stats on the field function showFieldNumStats(table, column) { var query = 'SELECT count(1), min(' + column + '), max(' + column + '), avg(' + column + ') FROM ' + table; executeQuery(query, function(data) { $("#input").hide(); $("#body").prop("class", "full"); $("#results").data("mode", "query"); buildTable(data); }); } function buildTableFilters(name, type) { getTableStructure(name, { type: type }, function(data) { if (data.rows.length == 0) { $("#pagination .filters").hide(); } else { $("#pagination .filters").show(); } $("#pagination select.column").html(""); for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) { var row = data.rows[i]; var el = $("").appendTo("#connection_bookmarks"); // Add all available bookmarks for (key of data) { $("").appendTo("#connection_bookmarks"); } $(".bookmarks").show(); } else { $(".bookmarks").hide(); } }); } function getConnectionString() { var url = $.trim($("#connection_url").val()); var mode = $(".connection-group-switch").attr("data"); var ssl = $("#connection_ssl").val(); if (mode == "standard" || mode == "ssh") { var host = $("#pg_host").val(); var port = $("#pg_port").val(); var user = $("#pg_user").val(); var pass = encodeURIComponent($("#pg_password").val()); var db = $("#pg_db").val(); if (port.length == 0) { port = "5432"; } url = "postgres://" + user + ":" + pass + "@" + host + ":" + port + "/" + db + "?sslmode=" + ssl; } else { var local = url.indexOf("localhost") != -1 || url.indexOf("") != -1; if (local && url.indexOf("sslmode") == -1) { url += "?sslmode=" + ssl; } } return url; } // Add a context menu to the results table header columns function bindTableHeaderMenu() { $("#results_header").contextmenu({ scopes: "th", target: "#results_header_menu", before: function(e, element, target) { // Enable menu for browsing table rows view only. if ($("#results").data("mode") != "browse") { e.preventDefault(); this.closemenu(); return false; } }, onItem: function(context, e) { var menuItem = $(; switch("action")) { case "copy_name": copyToClipboard($(context).data("name")); break; case "unique_values": showUniqueColumnsValues( $("#results").data("table"), // table name $(context).data("name"), // column name"counts") // display counts ); break; case "num_stats": showFieldNumStats( $("#results").data("table"), // table name $(context).data("name") // column name ); break; } } }); $("#results_body").contextmenu({ scopes: "td", target: "#results_row_menu", before: function(e, element, target) { var browseMode = $("#results").data("mode"); var isEmpty = $("#results").hasClass("empty"); var isAllowed = browseMode == "browse" || browseMode == "query"; if (isEmpty || !isAllowed) { e.preventDefault(); this.closemenu(); return false; } }, onItem: function(context, e) { var menuItem = $(; switch("action")) { case "display_value": var value = $(context).text(); $("#content_modal .content").text(value); $("#content_modal").show(); break; case "copy_value": copyToClipboard($(context).text()); break; case "filter_by_value": var colIdx = $(context).data("col"); var colValue = $(context).text(); var colName = $("#results_header th").eq(colIdx).data("name"); $("select.column").val(colName); $("select.filter").val("equal"); $("#table_filter_value").val(colValue); $("#rows_filter").submit(); } } }); } function bindCurrentDatabaseMenu() { $("#current_database").contextmenu({ target: "#current_database_context_menu", onItem: function(context, e) { var menuItem = $(; switch("action")) { case "export": openInNewWindow("api/export"); break; } } }); } function bindDatabaseObjectsFilter() { var filterTimeout = null; $("#filter_database_objects").on("keyup", function (e) { clearTimeout(filterTimeout); var val = $(this).val().trim(); // Reset search on ESC if (e.keyCode == 27 || val == "") { resetObjectsFilter(); return; } $(".clear-objects-filter").show(); $(".schema-group").addClass("expanded"); filterTimeout = setTimeout(function() { filterObjectsByName(val) }, 200); }); $(".clear-objects-filter").on("click", function(e) { resetObjectsFilter(); }); } function resetObjectsFilter() { $("#filter_database_objects").val(""); $("#objects li.schema-item").show(); $(".clear-objects-filter").hide(); } function filterObjectsByName(query) { $("#objects li.schema-item").each(function (idx, el) { var item = $(el); var name = $(el).data("name"); if (name.indexOf(query) < 0) { item.hide(); } else {; } }); } function getQuotedSchemaTableName(table) { if (typeof table === "string" && table.indexOf(".") > -1) { var schemaTableComponents = table.split("."); return ['"', schemaTableComponents[0], '"."', schemaTableComponents[1], '"'].join(''); } return table; } function bindContextMenus() { bindTableHeaderMenu(); bindCurrentDatabaseMenu(); $(".schema-group ul").each(function(id, el) { var group = $(el).data("group"); if (group == "table") { $(el).contextmenu({ target: "#tables_context_menu", scopes: "li.schema-table", onItem: function(context, e) { var el = $(; var table = getQuotedSchemaTableName($(context[0]).data("id")); var action ="action"); performTableAction(table, action, el); } }); } if (group == "view") { $(el).contextmenu({ target: "#view_context_menu", scopes: "li.schema-view", onItem: function(context, e) { var el = $(; var table = getQuotedSchemaTableName($(context[0]).data("id")); var action ="action"); performViewAction(table, action, el); } }); } if (group == "materialized_view") { $(el).contextmenu({ target: "#view_context_menu", scopes: "li.schema-materialized_view", onItem: function(context, e) { var el = $(; var table = getQuotedSchemaTableName($(context[0]).data("id")); var action ="action"); performViewAction(table, action, el); } }); } }); } function toggleDatabaseSearch() { $("#current_database").toggle(); $("#database_search").toggle(); } function enableDatabaseSearch(data) { var input = $("#database_search"); input.typeahead("destroy"); input.typeahead({ source: data, minLength: 0, items: "all", autoSelect: false, fitToElement: true }); input.typeahead("lookup").focus(); input.on("focusout", function(e){ toggleDatabaseSearch();"focusout"); }); } function bindInputResizeEvents() { var height = sessionStorage.getItem("input_height"); if (height) { resizeInput(height); checkInputSize(); } $("body").on("mousemove", onInputResize); $("body").on("mouseup", endInputResize); $("#input_resize_handler").on("mousedown", beginInputResize); 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