-- -- Selected TOC Entries: -- -- -- TOC Entry ID 1 (OID 0) -- -- Name: booktown Type: DATABASE Owner: postgres -- DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS "booktown"; CREATE DATABASE "booktown"; \connect booktown postgres -- -- TOC Entry ID 2 (OID 2991542) -- -- Name: DATABASE "booktown" Type: COMMENT Owner: -- COMMENT ON DATABASE "booktown" IS 'The Book Town Database.'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 33 (OID 3629264) -- -- Name: books Type: TABLE Owner: manager -- CREATE TABLE "books" ( "id" integer NOT NULL, "title" text NOT NULL, "author_id" integer, "subject_id" integer, Constraint "books_id_pkey" Primary Key ("id") ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 47 (OID 2991733) -- -- Name: "plpgsql_call_handler" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "plpgsql_call_handler" () RETURNS opaque AS '/usr/local/pgsql/lib/plpgsql.so', 'plpgsql_call_handler' LANGUAGE 'C'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 48 (OID 2991734) -- -- Name: plpgsql Type: PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE Owner: -- CREATE TRUSTED PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' HANDLER "plpgsql_call_handler" LANCOMPILER 'PL/pgSQL'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 51 (OID 2991735) -- -- Name: "audit_bk" (integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "audit_bk" (integer) RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE key ALIAS FOR $1; table_data inventory%ROWTYPE; BEGIN INSERT INTO inventory_audit SELECT table_data WHERE sort_key=key; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ''View'' || key || '' not found ''; END IF; return 1; end; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 52 (OID 2991736) -- -- Name: "audit" (integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "audit" (integer) RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE key ALIAS FOR $1; table_data inventory%ROWTYPE; BEGIN INSERT INTO inventory_audit SELECT table_data WHERE sort_key=key; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ''View'' || key || '' not found ''; END IF; return 1; end; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 53 (OID 2991737) -- -- Name: "auditbk" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "auditbk" () RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE key ALIAS FOR $1; table_data inventory%ROWTYPE; BEGIN INSERT INTO inventory_audit SELECT table_data WHERE sort_key=key; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ''View'' || key || '' not found ''; END IF; return 1; end; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 54 (OID 2991738) -- -- Name: "audit_bk1" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "audit_bk1" () RETURNS opaque AS ' DECLARE key ALIAS FOR $1; table_data inventory%ROWTYPE; BEGIN INSERT INTO inventory_audit SELECT table_data WHERE sort_key=key; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ''View'' || key || '' not found ''; END IF; return 1; end; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 73 (OID 2991835) -- -- Name: "test_check_a_id" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: example -- CREATE FUNCTION "test_check_a_id" () RETURNS opaque AS ' BEGIN -- checks to make sure the author id -- inserted is not left blank or less than 100 IF NEW.a_id ISNULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ''The author id cannot be left blank!''; ELSE IF NEW.a_id < 100 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ''Please insert a valid author id.''; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; END IF; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 66 (OID 2992619) -- -- Name: "audit_test" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: example -- CREATE FUNCTION "audit_test" () RETURNS opaque AS ' BEGIN IF TG_OP = ''INSERT'' OR TG_OP = ''UPDATE'' THEN NEW.user_aud := current_user; NEW.mod_time := ''NOW''; INSERT INTO inventory_audit SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE prod_id=NEW.prod_id; RETURN NEW; ELSE if TG_OP = ''DELETE'' THEN INSERT INTO inventory_audit SELECT *, current_user, ''NOW'' FROM inventory WHERE prod_id=OLD.prod_id; RETURN OLD; END IF; END IF; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 67 (OID 3000878) -- -- Name: "first" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: example -- CREATE FUNCTION "first" () RETURNS integer AS ' DecLarE oNe IntEgER := 1; bEGiN ReTUrn oNE; eNd; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 68 (OID 3000881) -- -- Name: "test" (integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: example -- CREATE FUNCTION "test" (integer) RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE -- defines the variable as ALIAS variable ALIAS FOR $1; BEGIN -- displays the variable after multiplying it by two return variable * 2.0; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 69 (OID 3000991) -- -- Name: "you_me" (integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: example -- CREATE FUNCTION "you_me" (integer) RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE RENAME $1 TO user_no; --you INTEGER := 5; BEGIN return user_no; END;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 62 (OID 3001136) -- -- Name: "count_by_two" (integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: example -- CREATE FUNCTION "count_by_two" (integer) RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE userNum ALIAS FOR $1; i integer; BEGIN i := 1; WHILE userNum[1] < 20 LOOP i = i+1; return userNum; END LOOP; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 63 (OID 3001139) -- -- Name: "me" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: example -- CREATE FUNCTION "me" () RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE you text := ''testing''; RENAME you to me; BEGIN return me; END;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 64 (OID 3001149) -- -- Name: "display_cust" (integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: example -- CREATE FUNCTION "display_cust" (integer) RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE -- declares an alias name for input cust_num ALIAS FOR $1; -- declares a row type cust_info customer%ROWTYPE; BEGIN -- puts information into the newly declared rowtype SELECT into cust_info * FROM customer WHERE cust_id=cust_num; -- displays the customer lastname -- extracted from the rowtype return cust_info.lastname; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 65 (OID 3001151) -- -- Name: "mixed" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: example -- CREATE FUNCTION "mixed" () RETURNS integer AS ' DecLarE --assigns 1 to the oNe variable oNe IntEgER := 1; bEGiN --displays the value of oNe ReTUrn oNe; eNd; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 12 (OID 3117548) -- -- Name: publishers Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "publishers" ( "id" integer NOT NULL, "name" text, "address" text, Constraint "publishers_pkey" Primary Key ("id") ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 55 (OID 3117729) -- -- Name: "compound_word" (text,text) Type: FUNCTION Owner: example -- CREATE FUNCTION "compound_word" (text,text) RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE -- defines an alias name for the two input values word1 ALIAS FOR $1; word2 ALIAS FOR $2; BEGIN -- displays the resulting joined words RETURN word1 || word2; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 56 (OID 3117787) -- -- Name: "givename" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: example -- CREATE FUNCTION "givename" () RETURNS opaque AS ' DECLARE tablename text; BEGIN tablename = TG_RELNAME; INSERT INTO INVENTORY values (123, tablename); return old; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 14 (OID 3389594) -- -- Name: authors Type: TABLE Owner: manager -- CREATE TABLE "authors" ( "id" integer NOT NULL, "last_name" text, "first_name" text, Constraint "authors_pkey" Primary Key ("id") ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 15 (OID 3389632) -- -- Name: states Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "states" ( "id" integer NOT NULL, "name" text, "abbreviation" character(2), Constraint "state_pkey" Primary Key ("id") ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 16 (OID 3389702) -- -- Name: my_list Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "my_list" ( "todos" text ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 17 (OID 3390348) -- -- Name: stock Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "stock" ( "isbn" text NOT NULL, "cost" numeric(5,2), "retail" numeric(5,2), "stock" integer, Constraint "stock_pkey" Primary Key ("isbn") ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 4 (OID 3390416) -- -- Name: subject_ids Type: SEQUENCE Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE "subject_ids" start 0 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 0 cache 1 ; -- -- TOC Entry ID 19 (OID 3390653) -- -- Name: numeric_values Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "numeric_values" ( "num" numeric(30,6) ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 20 (OID 3390866) -- -- Name: daily_inventory Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "daily_inventory" ( "isbn" text, "is_stocked" boolean ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 21 (OID 3391084) -- -- Name: money_example Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "money_example" ( "money_cash" money, "numeric_cash" numeric(6,2) ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 22 (OID 3391184) -- -- Name: shipments Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "shipments" ( "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('"shipments_ship_id_seq"'::text) NOT NULL, "customer_id" integer, "isbn" text, "ship_date" timestamp with time zone ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 24 (OID 3391454) -- -- Name: customers Type: TABLE Owner: manager -- CREATE TABLE "customers" ( "id" integer NOT NULL, "last_name" text, "first_name" text, Constraint "customers_pkey" Primary Key ("id") ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 6 (OID 3574018) -- -- Name: book_ids Type: SEQUENCE Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE "book_ids" start 0 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 0 cache 1 ; -- -- TOC Entry ID 26 (OID 3574043) -- -- Name: book_queue Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "book_queue" ( "title" text NOT NULL, "author_id" integer, "subject_id" integer, "approved" boolean ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 78 (OID 3574403) -- -- Name: "title" (integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "title" (integer) RETURNS text AS 'SELECT title from books where id = $1' LANGUAGE 'sql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 27 (OID 3574983) -- -- Name: stock_backup Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "stock_backup" ( "isbn" text, "cost" numeric(5,2), "retail" numeric(5,2), "stock" integer ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 89 (OID 3625934) -- -- Name: "double_price" (double precision) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "double_price" (double precision) RETURNS double precision AS ' DECLARE BEGIN return $1 * 2; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 90 (OID 3625935) -- -- Name: "triple_price" (double precision) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "triple_price" (double precision) RETURNS double precision AS ' DECLARE -- Declare input_price as an alias for the -- argument variable normally referenced with -- the $1 identifier. input_price ALIAS FOR $1; BEGIN -- Return the input price multiplied by three. RETURN input_price * 3; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 87 (OID 3625944) -- -- Name: "stock_amount" (integer,integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "stock_amount" (integer,integer) RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE -- Declare aliases for function arguments. b_id ALIAS FOR $1; b_edition ALIAS FOR $2; -- Declare variable to store the ISBN number. b_isbn TEXT; -- Declare variable to store the stock amount. stock_amount INTEGER; BEGIN -- This SELECT INTO statement retrieves the ISBN -- number of the row in the editions table that had -- both the book ID number and edition number that -- were provided as function arguments. SELECT INTO b_isbn isbn FROM editions WHERE book_id = b_id AND edition = b_edition; -- Check to see if the ISBN number retrieved -- is NULL. This will happen if there is not an -- existing book with both the ID number and edition -- number specified in the function arguments. -- If the ISBN is null, the function returns a -- value of -1 and ends. IF b_isbn IS NULL THEN RETURN -1; END IF; -- Retrieve the amount of books available from the -- stock table and record the number in the -- stock_amount variable. SELECT INTO stock_amount stock FROM stock WHERE isbn = b_isbn; -- Return the amount of books available. RETURN stock_amount; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 86 (OID 3625946) -- -- Name: "in_stock" (integer,integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "in_stock" (integer,integer) RETURNS boolean AS ' DECLARE b_id ALIAS FOR $1; b_edition ALIAS FOR $2; b_isbn TEXT; stock_amount INTEGER; BEGIN -- This SELECT INTO statement retrieves the ISBN -- number of the row in the editions table that had -- both the book ID number and edition number that -- were provided as function arguments. SELECT INTO b_isbn isbn FROM editions WHERE book_id = b_id AND edition = b_edition; -- Check to see if the ISBN number retrieved -- is NULL. This will happen if there is not an -- existing book with both the ID number and edition -- number specified in the function arguments. -- If the ISBN is null, the function returns a -- FALSE value and ends. IF b_isbn IS NULL THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; -- Retrieve the amount of books available from the -- stock table and record the number in the -- stock_amount variable. SELECT INTO stock_amount stock FROM stock WHERE isbn = b_isbn; -- Use an IF/THEN/ELSE check to see if the amount -- of books available is less than, or equal to 0. -- If so, return FALSE. If not, return TRUE. IF stock_amount <= 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE RETURN TRUE; END IF; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 82 (OID 3626013) -- -- Name: "extract_all_titles" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "extract_all_titles" () RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE sub_id INTEGER; text_output TEXT = '' ''; sub_title TEXT; row_data books%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR i IN 0..15 LOOP SELECT INTO sub_title subject FROM subjects WHERE id = i; text_output = text_output || '' '' || sub_title || '': ''; FOR row_data IN SELECT * FROM books WHERE subject_id = i LOOP IF NOT FOUND THEN text_output := text_output || ''None. ''; ELSE text_output := text_output || row_data.title || '' ''; END IF; END LOOP; END LOOP; RETURN text_output; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 79 (OID 3626052) -- -- Name: "books_by_subject" (text) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "books_by_subject" (text) RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE sub_title ALIAS FOR $1; sub_id INTEGER; found_text TEXT :=''''; BEGIN SELECT INTO sub_id id FROM subjects WHERE subject = sub_title; RAISE NOTICE ''sub_id = %'',sub_id; IF sub_title = ''all'' THEN found_text := extract_all_titles(); RETURN found_text; ELSE IF sub_id >= 0 THEN found_text := extract_title(sub_id); RETURN '' '' || sub_title || '': '' || found_text; END IF; END IF; RETURN ''Subject not found.''; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 81 (OID 3626590) -- -- Name: "add_two_loop" (integer,integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "add_two_loop" (integer,integer) RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE -- Declare aliases for function arguments. low_number ALIAS FOR $1; high_number ALIAS FOR $2; -- Declare a variable to hold the result. result INTEGER = 0; BEGIN WHILE result != high_number LOOP result := result + 1; END LOOP; RETURN result; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 92 (OID 3627916) -- -- Name: "extract_all_titles2" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "extract_all_titles2" () RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE sub_id INTEGER; text_output TEXT = '' ''; sub_title TEXT; row_data books%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR i IN 0..15 LOOP SELECT INTO sub_title subject FROM subjects WHERE id = i; text_output = text_output || '' '' || sub_title || '': ''; FOR row_data IN SELECT * FROM books WHERE subject_id = i LOOP text_output := text_output || row_data.title || '' ''; END LOOP; END LOOP; RETURN text_output; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 94 (OID 3627974) -- -- Name: "extract_title" (integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "extract_title" (integer) RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE sub_id ALIAS FOR $1; text_output TEXT :='' ''; row_data RECORD; BEGIN FOR row_data IN SELECT * FROM books WHERE subject_id = sub_id ORDER BY title LOOP text_output := text_output || row_data.title || '' ''; END LOOP; RETURN text_output; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 95 (OID 3628021) -- -- Name: "raise_test" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "raise_test" () RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE -- Declare an integer variable for testing. an_integer INTEGER = 1; BEGIN -- Raise a debug level message. RAISE DEBUG ''The raise_test() function began.''; an_integer = an_integer + 1; -- Raise a notice stating that the an_integer -- variable was changed, then raise another notice -- stating its new value. RAISE NOTICE ''Variable an_integer was changed.''; RAISE NOTICE ''Variable an_integer value is now %.'',an_integer; -- Raise an exception. RAISE EXCEPTION ''Variable % changed. Aborting transaction.'',an_integer; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 93 (OID 3628069) -- -- Name: "add_shipment" (integer,text) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "add_shipment" (integer,text) RETURNS timestamp with time zone AS ' DECLARE customer_id ALIAS FOR $1; isbn ALIAS FOR $2; shipment_id INTEGER; right_now timestamp; BEGIN right_now := ''now''; SELECT INTO shipment_id id FROM shipments ORDER BY id DESC; shipment_id := shipment_id + 1; INSERT INTO shipments VALUES ( shipment_id, customer_id, isbn, right_now ); RETURN right_now; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 102 (OID 3628076) -- -- Name: "ship_item" (text,text,text) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "ship_item" (text,text,text) RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE l_name ALIAS FOR $1; f_name ALIAS FOR $2; book_isbn ALIAS FOR $3; book_id INTEGER; customer_id INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT INTO customer_id get_customer_id(l_name,f_name); IF customer_id = -1 THEN RETURN -1; END IF; SELECT INTO book_id book_id FROM editions WHERE isbn = book_isbn; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN -1; END IF; PERFORM add_shipment(customer_id,book_isbn); RETURN 1; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 103 (OID 3628114) -- -- Name: "check_book_addition" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "check_book_addition" () RETURNS opaque AS ' DECLARE id_number INTEGER; book_isbn TEXT; BEGIN SELECT INTO id_number id FROM customers WHERE id = NEW.customer_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ''Invalid customer ID number.''; END IF; SELECT INTO book_isbn isbn FROM editions WHERE isbn = NEW.isbn; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ''Invalid ISBN.''; END IF; UPDATE stock SET stock = stock -1 WHERE isbn = NEW.isbn; RETURN NEW; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 28 (OID 3628246) -- -- Name: stock_view Type: VIEW Owner: postgres -- CREATE VIEW "stock_view" as SELECT stock.isbn, stock.retail, stock.stock FROM stock; -- -- TOC Entry ID 30 (OID 3628247) -- -- Name: favorite_books Type: TABLE Owner: manager -- CREATE TABLE "favorite_books" ( "employee_id" integer, "books" text[] ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 8 (OID 3628626) -- -- Name: shipments_ship_id_seq Type: SEQUENCE Owner: manager -- CREATE SEQUENCE "shipments_ship_id_seq" start 0 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 0 cache 1 ; -- -- TOC Entry ID 74 (OID 3628648) -- -- Name: "check_shipment_addition" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "check_shipment_addition" () RETURNS opaque AS ' DECLARE -- Declare a variable to hold the customer ID. id_number INTEGER; -- Declare a variable to hold the ISBN. book_isbn TEXT; BEGIN -- If there is an ID number that matches the customer ID in -- the new table, retrieve it from the customers table. SELECT INTO id_number id FROM customers WHERE id = NEW.customer_id; -- If there was no matching ID number, raise an exception. IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ''Invalid customer ID number.''; END IF; -- If there is an ISBN that matches the ISBN specified in the -- new table, retrieve it from the editions table. SELECT INTO book_isbn isbn FROM editions WHERE isbn = NEW.isbn; -- If there is no matching ISBN, raise an exception. IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ''Invalid ISBN.''; END IF; -- If the previous checks succeeded, update the stock amount -- for INSERT commands. IF TG_OP = ''INSERT'' THEN UPDATE stock SET stock = stock -1 WHERE isbn = NEW.isbn; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 31 (OID 3628899) -- -- Name: employees Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "employees" ( "id" integer NOT NULL, "last_name" text NOT NULL, "first_name" text, CONSTRAINT "employees_id" CHECK ((id > 100)), Constraint "employees_pkey" Primary Key ("id") ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 32 (OID 3629174) -- -- Name: editions Type: TABLE Owner: manager -- CREATE TABLE "editions" ( "isbn" text NOT NULL, "book_id" integer, "edition" integer, "publisher_id" integer, "publication" date, "type" character(1), CONSTRAINT "integrity" CHECK (((book_id NOTNULL) AND (edition NOTNULL))), Constraint "pkey" Primary Key ("isbn") ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 10 (OID 3629402) -- -- Name: author_ids Type: SEQUENCE Owner: manager -- CREATE SEQUENCE "author_ids" start 0 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 0 cache 1 ; -- -- TOC Entry ID 35 (OID 3629424) -- -- Name: distinguished_authors Type: TABLE Owner: manager -- CREATE TABLE "distinguished_authors" ( "award" text ) INHERITS ("authors"); -- -- TOC Entry ID 107 (OID 3726476) -- -- Name: "isbn_to_title" (text) Type: FUNCTION Owner: manager -- CREATE FUNCTION "isbn_to_title" (text) RETURNS text AS 'SELECT title FROM books JOIN editions AS e (isbn, id) USING (id) WHERE isbn = $1' LANGUAGE 'sql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 36 (OID 3727889) -- -- Name: favorite_authors Type: TABLE Owner: manager -- CREATE TABLE "favorite_authors" ( "employee_id" integer, "authors_and_titles" text[] ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 99 (OID 3728728) -- -- Name: "get_customer_name" (integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "get_customer_name" (integer) RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE -- Declare aliases for user input. customer_id ALIAS FOR $1; -- Declare variables to hold the customer name. customer_fname TEXT; customer_lname TEXT; BEGIN -- Retrieve the customer first and last name for the customer whose -- ID matches the value supplied as a function argument. SELECT INTO customer_fname, customer_lname first_name, last_name FROM customers WHERE id = customer_id; -- Return the name. RETURN customer_fname || '' '' || customer_lname; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 100 (OID 3728729) -- -- Name: "get_customer_id" (text,text) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "get_customer_id" (text,text) RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE -- Declare aliases for user input. l_name ALIAS FOR $1; f_name ALIAS FOR $2; -- Declare a variable to hold the customer ID number. customer_id INTEGER; BEGIN -- Retrieve the customer ID number of the customer whose first and last -- name match the values supplied as function arguments. SELECT INTO customer_id id FROM customers WHERE last_name = l_name AND first_name = f_name; -- Return the ID number. RETURN customer_id; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 101 (OID 3728730) -- -- Name: "get_author" (text) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "get_author" (text) RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE -- Declare an alias for the function argument, -- which should be the first name of an author. f_name ALIAS FOR $1; -- Declare a variable with the same type as -- the last_name field of the authors table. l_name authors.last_name%TYPE; BEGIN -- Retrieve the last name of an author from the -- authors table whose first name matches the -- argument received by the function, and -- insert it into the l_name variable. SELECT INTO l_name last_name FROM authors WHERE first_name = f_name; -- Return the first name and last name, separated -- by a space. return f_name || '' '' || l_name; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 97 (OID 3728759) -- -- Name: "get_author" (integer) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "get_author" (integer) RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE -- Declare an alias for the function argument, -- which should be the id of the author. author_id ALIAS FOR $1; -- Declare a variable that uses the structure of -- the authors table. found_author authors%ROWTYPE; BEGIN -- Retrieve a row of author information for -- the author whose id number matches -- the argument received by the function. SELECT INTO found_author * FROM authors WHERE id = author_id; -- Return the first RETURN found_author.first_name || '' '' || found_author.last_name; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 70 (OID 3743412) -- -- Name: "html_linebreaks" (text) Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "html_linebreaks" (text) RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE formatted_string text := ''''; BEGIN FOR i IN 0 .. length($1) LOOP IF substr($1, i, 1) = '' '' THEN formatted_string := formatted_string || ''
''; ELSE formatted_string := formatted_string || substr($1, i, 1); END IF; END LOOP; RETURN formatted_string; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 37 (OID 3751599) -- -- Name: text_sorting Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "text_sorting" ( "letter" character(1) ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 38 (OID 3751882) -- -- Name: subjects Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "subjects" ( "id" integer NOT NULL, "subject" text, "location" text, Constraint "subjects_pkey" Primary Key ("id") ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 108 (OID 3751924) -- -- Name: sum(text) Type: AGGREGATE Owner: postgres -- CREATE AGGREGATE sum ( BASETYPE = text, SFUNC = textcat, STYPE = text, INITCOND = '' ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 39 (OID 3751975) -- -- Name: alternate_stock Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "alternate_stock" ( "isbn" text, "cost" numeric(5,2), "retail" numeric(5,2), "stock" integer ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 40 (OID 3752020) -- -- Name: book_backup Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "book_backup" ( "id" integer, "title" text, "author_id" integer, "subject_id" integer ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 80 (OID 3752102) -- -- Name: "sync_authors_and_books" () Type: FUNCTION Owner: postgres -- CREATE FUNCTION "sync_authors_and_books" () RETURNS opaque AS ' BEGIN IF TG_OP = ''UPDATE'' THEN UPDATE books SET author_id = new.id WHERE author_id = old.id; END IF; RETURN new; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- -- TOC Entry ID 41 (OID 4063343) -- -- Name: schedules Type: TABLE Owner: postgres -- CREATE TABLE "schedules" ( "employee_id" integer NOT NULL, "schedule" text, Constraint "schedules_pkey" Primary Key ("employee_id") ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 42 (OID 4063653) -- -- Name: recent_shipments Type: VIEW Owner: postgres -- CREATE VIEW "recent_shipments" as SELECT count(*) AS num_shipped, max(shipments.ship_date) AS max, b.title FROM ((shipments JOIN editions USING (isbn)) NATURAL JOIN books b(book_id)) GROUP BY b.title ORDER BY count(*) DESC; -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 112 (OID 3117548) -- -- Name: publishers Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "publishers" FROM stdin; 150 Kids Can Press Kids Can Press, 29 Birch Ave. Toronto, ON  M4V 1E2 91 Henry Holt & Company, Inc. Henry Holt & Company, Inc. 115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 113 O'Reilly & Associates O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 101 Morris St, Sebastopol, CA 95472 62 Watson-Guptill Publications 1515 Boradway, New York, NY 10036 105 Noonday Press Farrar Straus & Giroux Inc, 19 Union Square W, New York, NY 10003 99 Ace Books The Berkley Publishing Group, Penguin Putnam Inc, 375 Hudson St, New York, NY 10014 101 Roc Penguin Putnam Inc, 375 Hudson St, New York, NY 10014 163 Mojo Press Mojo Press, PO Box 1215, Dripping Springs, TX 78720 171 Books of Wonder Books of Wonder, 16 W. 18th St. New York, NY, 10011 102 Penguin Penguin Putnam Inc, 375 Hudson St, New York, NY 10014 75 Doubleday Random House, Inc, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 65 HarperCollins HarperCollins Publishers, 10 E 53rd St, New York, NY 10022 59 Random House Random House, Inc, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 113 (OID 3389594) -- -- Name: authors Type: TABLE DATA Owner: manager -- COPY "authors" FROM stdin; 1111 Denham Ariel 1212 Worsley John 15990 Bourgeois Paulette 25041 Bianco Margery Williams 16 Alcott Louisa May 4156 King Stephen 1866 Herbert Frank 1644 Hogarth Burne 2031 Brown Margaret Wise 115 Poe Edgar Allen 7805 Lutz Mark 7806 Christiansen Tom 1533 Brautigan Richard 1717 Brite Poppy Z. 2112 Gorey Edward 2001 Clarke Arthur C. 1213 Brookins Andrew \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 114 (OID 3389632) -- -- Name: states Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "states" FROM stdin; 42 Washington WA 51 Oregon OR \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 115 (OID 3389702) -- -- Name: my_list Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "my_list" FROM stdin; Pick up laundry. Send out bills. Wrap up Grand Unifying Theory for publication. \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 116 (OID 3390348) -- -- Name: stock Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "stock" FROM stdin; 0385121679 29.00 36.95 65 039480001X 30.00 32.95 31 0394900014 23.00 23.95 0 044100590X 36.00 45.95 89 0441172717 17.00 21.95 77 0451160916 24.00 28.95 22 0451198492 36.00 46.95 0 0451457994 17.00 22.95 0 0590445065 23.00 23.95 10 0679803335 20.00 24.95 18 0694003611 25.00 28.95 50 0760720002 18.00 23.95 28 0823015505 26.00 28.95 16 0929605942 19.00 21.95 25 1885418035 23.00 24.95 77 0394800753 16.00 16.95 4 \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 117 (OID 3390653) -- -- Name: numeric_values Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "numeric_values" FROM stdin; 68719476736.000000 68719476737.000000 6871947673778.000000 999999999999999999999999.999900 999999999999999999999999.999999 -999999999999999999999999.999999 -100000000000000000000000.999999 1.999999 2.000000 2.000000 999999999999999999999999.999999 999999999999999999999999.000000 \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 118 (OID 3390866) -- -- Name: daily_inventory Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "daily_inventory" FROM stdin; 039480001X t 044100590X t 0451198492 f 0394900014 f 0441172717 t 0451160916 f 0385121679 \N \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 119 (OID 3391084) -- -- Name: money_example Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "money_example" FROM stdin; $12.24 12.24 \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 120 (OID 3391184) -- -- Name: shipments Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "shipments" FROM stdin; 375 142 039480001X 2001-08-06 09:29:21-07 323 671 0451160916 2001-08-14 10:36:41-07 998 1045 0590445065 2001-08-12 12:09:47-07 749 172 0694003611 2001-08-11 10:52:34-07 662 655 0679803335 2001-08-09 07:30:07-07 806 1125 0760720002 2001-08-05 09:34:04-07 102 146 0394900014 2001-08-11 13:34:08-07 813 112 0385121679 2001-08-08 09:53:46-07 652 724 1885418035 2001-08-14 13:41:39-07 599 430 0929605942 2001-08-10 08:29:42-07 969 488 0441172717 2001-08-14 08:42:58-07 433 898 044100590X 2001-08-12 08:46:35-07 660 409 0451457994 2001-08-07 11:56:42-07 310 738 0451198492 2001-08-15 14:02:01-07 510 860 0823015505 2001-08-14 07:33:47-07 997 185 039480001X 2001-08-10 13:47:52-07 999 221 0451160916 2001-08-14 13:45:51-07 56 880 0590445065 2001-08-14 13:49:00-07 72 574 0694003611 2001-08-06 07:49:44-07 146 270 039480001X 2001-08-13 09:42:10-07 981 652 0451160916 2001-08-08 08:36:44-07 95 480 0590445065 2001-08-10 07:29:52-07 593 476 0694003611 2001-08-15 11:57:40-07 977 853 0679803335 2001-08-09 09:30:46-07 117 185 0760720002 2001-08-07 13:00:48-07 406 1123 0394900014 2001-08-13 09:47:04-07 340 1149 0385121679 2001-08-12 13:39:22-07 871 388 1885418035 2001-08-07 11:31:57-07 1000 221 039480001X 2001-09-14 16:46:32-07 1001 107 039480001X 2001-09-14 17:42:22-07 754 107 0394800753 2001-08-11 09:55:05-07 458 107 0394800753 2001-08-07 10:58:36-07 189 107 0394800753 2001-08-06 11:46:36-07 720 107 0394800753 2001-08-08 10:46:13-07 1002 107 0394800753 2001-09-22 11:23:28-07 2 107 0394800753 2001-09-22 20:58:56-07 \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 121 (OID 3391454) -- -- Name: customers Type: TABLE DATA Owner: manager -- COPY "customers" FROM stdin; 107 Jackson Annie 112 Gould Ed 142 Allen Chad 146 Williams James 172 Brown Richard 185 Morrill Eric 221 King Jenny 270 Bollman Julie 388 Morrill Royce 409 Holloway Christine 430 Black Jean 476 Clark James 480 Thomas Rich 488 Young Trevor 574 Bennett Laura 652 Anderson Jonathan 655 Olson Dave 671 Brown Chuck 723 Eisele Don 724 Holloway Adam 738 Gould Shirley 830 Robertson Royce 853 Black Wendy 860 Owens Tim 880 Robinson Tammy 898 Gerdes Kate 964 Gould Ramon 1045 Owens Jean 1125 Bollman Owen 1149 Becker Owen 1123 Corner Kathy \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 122 (OID 3574043) -- -- Name: book_queue Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "book_queue" FROM stdin; Learning Python 7805 4 t Perl Cookbook 7806 4 t \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 123 (OID 3574983) -- -- Name: stock_backup Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "stock_backup" FROM stdin; 0385121679 29.00 36.95 65 039480001X 30.00 32.95 31 0394800753 16.00 16.95 0 0394900014 23.00 23.95 0 044100590X 36.00 45.95 89 0441172717 17.00 21.95 77 0451160916 24.00 28.95 22 0451198492 36.00 46.95 0 0451457994 17.00 22.95 0 0590445065 23.00 23.95 10 0679803335 20.00 24.95 18 0694003611 25.00 28.95 50 0760720002 18.00 23.95 28 0823015505 26.00 28.95 16 0929605942 19.00 21.95 25 1885418035 23.00 24.95 77 \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 124 (OID 3628247) -- -- Name: favorite_books Type: TABLE DATA Owner: manager -- COPY "favorite_books" FROM stdin; 102 {"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy","The Restauraunt at the End of the Universe"} 103 {"There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Holiday","Kittens Squared"} \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 125 (OID 3628899) -- -- Name: employees Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "employees" FROM stdin; 101 Appel Vincent 102 Holloway Michael 105 Connoly Sarah 104 Noble Ben 103 Joble David 106 Hall Timothy 1008 Williams \N \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 126 (OID 3629174) -- -- Name: editions Type: TABLE DATA Owner: manager -- COPY "editions" FROM stdin; 039480001X 1608 1 59 1957-03-01 h 0451160916 7808 1 75 1981-08-01 p 0394800753 1590 1 59 1949-03-01 p 0590445065 25908 1 150 1987-03-01 p 0694003611 1501 1 65 1947-03-04 p 0679803335 1234 1 102 1922-01-01 p 0760720002 190 1 91 1868-01-01 p 0394900014 1608 1 59 1957-01-01 p 0385121679 7808 2 75 1993-10-01 h 1885418035 156 1 163 1995-03-28 p 0929605942 156 2 171 1998-12-01 p 0441172717 4513 2 99 1998-09-01 p 044100590X 4513 3 99 1999-10-01 h 0451457994 4267 3 101 2000-09-12 p 0451198492 4267 3 101 1999-10-01 h 0823015505 2038 1 62 1958-01-01 p 0596000855 41473 2 113 2001-03-01 p \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 127 (OID 3629264) -- -- Name: books Type: TABLE DATA Owner: manager -- COPY "books" FROM stdin; 7808 The Shining 4156 9 4513 Dune 1866 15 4267 2001: A Space Odyssey 2001 15 1608 The Cat in the Hat 1809 2 1590 Bartholomew and the Oobleck 1809 2 25908 Franklin in the Dark 15990 2 1501 Goodnight Moon 2031 2 190 Little Women 16 6 1234 The Velveteen Rabbit 25041 3 2038 Dynamic Anatomy 1644 0 156 The Tell-Tale Heart 115 9 41473 Programming Python 7805 4 41477 Learning Python 7805 4 41478 Perl Cookbook 7806 4 41472 Practical PostgreSQL 1212 4 \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 128 (OID 3629424) -- -- Name: distinguished_authors Type: TABLE DATA Owner: manager -- COPY "distinguished_authors" FROM stdin; 25043 Simon Neil Pulitzer Prize 1809 Geisel Theodor Seuss Pulitzer Prize \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 129 (OID 3727889) -- -- Name: favorite_authors Type: TABLE DATA Owner: manager -- COPY "favorite_authors" FROM stdin; 102 {{"J.R.R. Tolkien","The Silmarillion"},{"Charles Dickens","Great Expectations"},{"Ariel Denham","Attic Lives"}} \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 130 (OID 3751599) -- -- Name: text_sorting Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "text_sorting" FROM stdin; 0 1 2 3 A B C D a b c d \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 131 (OID 3751882) -- -- Name: subjects Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "subjects" FROM stdin; 0 Arts Creativity St 1 Business Productivity Ave 2 Children's Books Kids Ct 3 Classics Academic Rd 4 Computers Productivity Ave 5 Cooking Creativity St 6 Drama Main St 7 Entertainment Main St 8 History Academic Rd 9 Horror Black Raven Dr 10 Mystery Black Raven Dr 11 Poetry Sunset Dr 12 Religion \N 13 Romance Main St 14 Science Productivity Ave 15 Science Fiction Main St \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 132 (OID 3751975) -- -- Name: alternate_stock Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "alternate_stock" FROM stdin; 0385121679 29.00 36.95 65 039480001X 30.00 32.95 31 0394900014 23.00 23.95 0 044100590X 36.00 45.95 89 0441172717 17.00 21.95 77 0451160916 24.00 28.95 22 0451198492 36.00 46.95 0 0451457994 17.00 22.95 0 0590445065 23.00 23.95 10 0679803335 20.00 24.95 18 0694003611 25.00 28.95 50 0760720002 18.00 23.95 28 0823015505 26.00 28.95 16 0929605942 19.00 21.95 25 1885418035 23.00 24.95 77 0394800753 16.00 16.95 4 \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 133 (OID 3752020) -- -- Name: book_backup Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "book_backup" FROM stdin; 7808 The Shining 4156 9 4513 Dune 1866 15 4267 2001: A Space Odyssey 2001 15 1608 The Cat in the Hat 1809 2 1590 Bartholomew and the Oobleck 1809 2 25908 Franklin in the Dark 15990 2 1501 Goodnight Moon 2031 2 190 Little Women 16 6 1234 The Velveteen Rabbit 25041 3 2038 Dynamic Anatomy 1644 0 156 The Tell-Tale Heart 115 9 41472 Practical PostgreSQL 1212 4 41473 Programming Python 7805 4 41477 Learning Python 7805 4 41478 Perl Cookbook 7806 4 7808 The Shining 4156 9 4513 Dune 1866 15 4267 2001: A Space Odyssey 2001 15 1608 The Cat in the Hat 1809 2 1590 Bartholomew and the Oobleck 1809 2 25908 Franklin in the Dark 15990 2 1501 Goodnight Moon 2031 2 190 Little Women 16 6 1234 The Velveteen Rabbit 25041 3 2038 Dynamic Anatomy 1644 0 156 The Tell-Tale Heart 115 9 41473 Programming Python 7805 4 41477 Learning Python 7805 4 41478 Perl Cookbook 7806 4 41472 Practical PostgreSQL 1212 4 \. -- -- Data for TOC Entry ID 134 (OID 4063343) -- -- Name: schedules Type: TABLE DATA Owner: postgres -- COPY "schedules" FROM stdin; 102 Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm \. -- -- TOC Entry ID 45 (OID 3117548) -- -- Name: "unique_publisher_idx" Type: INDEX Owner: postgres -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_publisher_idx" on "publishers" using btree ( "name" "text_ops" ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 43 (OID 3391184) -- -- Name: "shipments_ship_id_key" Type: INDEX Owner: postgres -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "shipments_ship_id_key" on "shipments" using btree ( "id" "int4_ops" ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 44 (OID 3629264) -- -- Name: "books_title_idx" Type: INDEX Owner: manager -- CREATE INDEX "books_title_idx" on "books" using btree ( "title" "text_ops" ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 46 (OID 3751599) -- -- Name: "text_idx" Type: INDEX Owner: postgres -- CREATE INDEX "text_idx" on "text_sorting" using btree ( "letter" "bpchar_ops" ); -- -- TOC Entry ID 136 (OID 3628649) -- -- Name: check_shipment Type: TRIGGER Owner: postgres -- CREATE TRIGGER "check_shipment" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON "shipments" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "check_shipment_addition" (); -- -- TOC Entry ID 135 (OID 3752103) -- -- Name: sync_authors_books Type: TRIGGER Owner: manager -- CREATE TRIGGER "sync_authors_books" BEFORE UPDATE ON "authors" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "sync_authors_and_books" (); -- -- TOC Entry ID 139 (OID 4063374) -- -- Name: "RI_ConstraintTrigger_4063373" Type: TRIGGER Owner: postgres -- CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER "valid_employee" AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON "schedules" FROM "employees" NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "RI_FKey_check_ins" ('valid_employee', 'schedules', 'employees', 'FULL', 'employee_id', 'id'); -- -- TOC Entry ID 137 (OID 4063376) -- -- Name: "RI_ConstraintTrigger_4063375" Type: TRIGGER Owner: postgres -- CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER "valid_employee" AFTER DELETE ON "employees" FROM "schedules" NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "RI_FKey_noaction_del" ('valid_employee', 'schedules', 'employees', 'FULL', 'employee_id', 'id'); -- -- TOC Entry ID 138 (OID 4063378) -- -- Name: "RI_ConstraintTrigger_4063377" Type: TRIGGER Owner: postgres -- CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER "valid_employee" AFTER UPDATE ON "employees" FROM "schedules" NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "RI_FKey_noaction_upd" ('valid_employee', 'schedules', 'employees', 'FULL', 'employee_id', 'id'); -- -- TOC Entry ID 140 (OID 3752079) -- -- Name: sync_stock_with_editions Type: RULE Owner: manager -- CREATE RULE sync_stock_with_editions AS ON UPDATE TO editions DO UPDATE stock SET isbn = new.isbn WHERE (stock.isbn = old.isbn); -- -- TOC Entry ID 5 (OID 3390416) -- -- Name: subject_ids Type: SEQUENCE SET Owner: -- SELECT setval ('"subject_ids"', 15, 't'); -- -- TOC Entry ID 7 (OID 3574018) -- -- Name: book_ids Type: SEQUENCE SET Owner: -- SELECT setval ('"book_ids"', 41478, 't'); -- -- TOC Entry ID 9 (OID 3628626) -- -- Name: shipments_ship_id_seq Type: SEQUENCE SET Owner: -- SELECT setval ('"shipments_ship_id_seq"', 1011, 't'); -- -- TOC Entry ID 11 (OID 3629402) -- -- Name: author_ids Type: SEQUENCE SET Owner: -- SELECT setval ('"author_ids"', 25044, 't');