# securerandom Port of Ruby `securerandom` module for Golang. The following functions are implemented. ```go func RandomBytes(n int) ([]byte, error) func Base64(n int, padded bool) (string, error) func UrlSafeBase64(n int, padded bool) (string, error) func Hex(n int) (string, error) func Uuid() (string, error) ``` ## Sample usage ```go package main import ( "fmt" sr "github.com/tuvistavie/securerandom" ) func main() { b, _ := sr.Base64(10, true) fmt.Println(b) b, _ = sr.Hex(10) fmt.Println(b) b, _ = sr.Uuid() fmt.Println(b) } ``` For more information, check out the [documentation of the ruby module](http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.1.0/libdoc/securerandom/rdoc/SecureRandom.html).