var editor; function apiCall(method, path, params, cb) { $.ajax({ url: path, method: method, cache: false, data: params, success: function(data) { cb(data); }, error: function(xhr, status, data) { cb(jQuery.parseJSON(xhr.responseText)); } }); } function getTables(cb) { apiCall("get", "/tables", {}, cb); } function getTableStructure(table, cb) { apiCall("get", "/tables/" + table, {}, cb); } function getTableIndexes(table, cb) { apiCall("get", "/tables/" + table + "/indexes", {}, cb); } function getHistory(cb) { apiCall("get", "/history", {}, cb); } function executeQuery(query, cb) { apiCall("post", "/query", { query: query }, cb); } function explainQuery(query, cb) { apiCall("post", "/explain", { query: query }, cb); } function loadTables() { getTables(function(data) { data.forEach(function(item) { $("
  • " + item + "
  • ").appendTo("#tables"); }); }); } function escapeHtml(str) { if (str != null || str != undefined) { return jQuery("
    ").text(str).html(); } return "null"; } function resetTable() { $("#results"). attr("data-mode", ""). text(""). removeClass("empty"). removeClass("history"); } function buildTable(results) { resetTable(); if (results.error) { $("ERROR: " + results.error + "").appendTo("#results"); $("#results").addClass("empty"); return; } if (!results.rows) { $("No records found").appendTo("#results"); $("#results").addClass("empty"); return; } var cols = ""; var rows = ""; results.columns.forEach(function(col) { cols += "" + col + ""; }); results.rows.forEach(function(row) { var r = ""; for (i in row) { r += "
    " + escapeHtml(row[i]) + "
    "; } rows += "" + r + ""; }); $("" + cols + "" + rows + "").appendTo("#results"); } function setCurrentTab(id) { $("#nav ul li.selected").removeClass("selected"); $("#" + id).addClass("selected"); } function showQueryHistory() { getHistory(function(data) { var rows = []; for(i in data) { rows.unshift([parseInt(i) + 1, data[i]]); } buildTable({ columns: ["id", "query"], rows: rows }); setCurrentTab("table_history"); $("#input").hide(); $("#output").addClass("full"); $("#results").addClass("history"); }); } function showTableIndexes() { var name = $("#tables li.selected").text(); if (name.length == 0) { alert("Please select a table!"); return; } getTableIndexes(name, function(data) { setCurrentTab("table_indexes"); buildTable(data); $("#input").hide(); $("#output").addClass("full"); }); } function showTableInfo() { var name = $("#tables li.selected").text(); if (name.length == 0) { alert("Please select a table!"); return; } apiCall("get", "/tables/" + name + "/info", {}, function(data) { $(".table-information ul").show(); $("#table_total_size").text(data.total_size); $("#table_data_size").text(data.data_size); $("#table_index_size").text(data.index_size); $("#table_rows_count").text(data.rows_count); $("#table_encoding").text("Unknown"); }); } function showTableContent() { var name = $("#tables li.selected").text(); if (name.length == 0) { alert("Please select a table!"); return; } var query = "SELECT * FROM \"" + name + "\" LIMIT 100;"; executeQuery(query, function(data) { buildTable(data); setCurrentTab("table_content"); $("#results").attr("data-mode", "browse"); $("#input").hide(); $("#output").addClass("full"); }); } function showTableStructure() { var name = $("#tables li.selected").text(); if (name.length == 0) { alert("Please select a table!"); return; } getTableStructure(name, function(data) { setCurrentTab("table_structure"); buildTable(data); }); } function showQueryPanel() { setCurrentTab("table_query"); editor.focus(); $("#input").show(); $("#output").removeClass("full"); } function showConnectionPanel() { setCurrentTab("table_connection"); apiCall("get", "/info", {}, function(data) { var rows = []; for(key in data) { rows.push([key, data[key]]); } buildTable({ columns: ["attribute", "value"], rows: rows }); $("#input").hide(); $("#output").addClass("full"); }); } function runQuery() { setCurrentTab("table_query"); $("#run, #explain, #csv").prop("disabled", true); $("#query_progress").show(); var query = $.trim(editor.getValue()); if (query.length == 0) { $("#run, #explain, #csv").prop("disabled", false); $("#query_progress").hide(); return; } executeQuery(query, function(data) { buildTable(data); $("#run, #explain, #csv").prop("disabled", false); $("#query_progress").hide(); $("#input").show(); $("#output").removeClass("full"); }); } function runExplain() { setCurrentTab("table_query"); $("#run, #explain, #csv").prop("disabled", true); $("#query_progress").show(); var query = $.trim(editor.getValue()); if (query.length == 0) { $("#run, #explain, #csv").prop("disabled", false); $("#query_progress").hide(); return; } explainQuery(query, function(data) { buildTable(data); $("#run, #explain, #csv").prop("disabled", false); $("#query_progress").hide(); $("#input").show(); $("#output").removeClass("full"); }); } function exportToCSV() { var query = $.trim(editor.getValue()); if (query.length == 0) { return; } // Replace line breaks with spaces and properly encode query query = window.encodeURI(query.replace(/\n/g, " ")); var url = "http://" + + "/query?format=csv&query=" + query; var win =, '_blank'); setCurrentTab("table_query"); win.focus(); } function initEditor() { editor = ace.edit("custom_query"); editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/pgsql"); editor.getSession().setTabSize(2); editor.getSession().setUseSoftTabs(true); editor.commands.addCommands([{ name: "run_query", bindKey: { win: "Ctrl-Enter", mac: "Command-Enter" }, exec: function(editor) { runQuery(); } }, { name: "explain_query", bindKey: { win: "Ctrl-E", mac: "Command-E" }, exec: function(editor) { runExplain(); } }]); } function addShortcutTooltips() { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("OS X") > 0) { $("#run").attr("title", "Shortcut: ⌘+Enter"); $("#explain").attr("title", "Shortcut: ⌘+E"); } else { $("#run").attr("title", "Shortcut: Ctrl+Enter"); $("#explain").attr("title", "Shortcut: Ctrl+E"); } } $(document).ready(function() { initEditor(); addShortcutTooltips(); $("#table_content").on("click", function() { showTableContent(); }); $("#table_structure").on("click", function() { showTableStructure(); }); $("#table_indexes").on("click", function() { showTableIndexes(); }); $("#table_history").on("click", function() { showQueryHistory(); }); $("#table_query").on("click", function() { showQueryPanel(); }); $("#table_connection").on("click", function() { showConnectionPanel(); }); $("#run").on("click", function() { runQuery(); }); $("#explain").on("click", function() { runExplain(); }); $("#csv").on("click", function() { exportToCSV(); }); $("#results").on("click", "tr", function() { $("#results tr.selected").removeClass(); $(this).addClass("selected"); }); $("#tables").on("click", "li", function() { $("#tables li.selected").removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); showTableContent(); showTableInfo(); }); loadTables(); });