#!/bin/bash set -e function killproc() { lsof -i tcp:8888 | grep pgweb | awk '{print $2}' | uniq | xargs kill } # Nuke the old container if exists. docker rm -f cockroach || true # Start cockroach on 26258 so we dont mess with local server. docker run \ --name=cockroach \ -d \ -t \ -p 26258:26257 \ cockroachdb/cockroach \ start --insecure sleep 3 # Load the demo database. docker exec -i cockroach ./cockroach sql --insecure < ./data/roach.sql # Find and destroy the existing pgweb process. # Would be great if pgweb had --pid option. killproc # Start pgweb and connect to cockroach. make build ./pgweb \ --url=postgres://root@localhost:26258/roach?sslmode=disable \ --listen=8888 \ --skip-open & sleep 1 # Run smoke tests base="-w \"\n\" -f http://localhost:8888/api" table="product_information" curl $base/info curl $base/connection curl $base/schemas curl $base/objects curl $base/query -F query='select * from product_information;' curl $base/tables/$table curl $base/tables/$table/rows curl $base/tables/$table/info curl $base/tables/$table/indexes curl $base/tables/$table/constraints # Cleanup killproc