.PHONY: help help: ## Show this help @echo 'makepac' @echo '--------' @echo 'Simple configuration manager' @echo '' @echo 'See https://gitlab.com/balki/makepac for usage' @echo '' @#https://stackoverflow.com/a/47107132 @sed -ne '/@sed/!s/## //p' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | column -tl 2 .PHONY: install install: ## Installs files in root/ to real root sudo ./makepac/install.sh .PHONY: sd-reload sd-reload: ## Run this after editing systemd service/timer files sudo systemctl daemon-reload .PHONY: sd-users sd-users: ## Run this after adding new users sudo systemctl restart systemd-sysusers.service .PHONY: tmpfiles tmpfiles: ## Run this after editing files under tmpfiles.d sudo systemd-tmpfiles --create .PHONY: save-perms save-perms: ## Saves the file permissions to ./acl. Run this after adding new files with correct permissions getfacl --recursive `readlink root` | ./makepac/sort_acl.sh > acl .PHONY: set-perms set-perms: ## Restores permissions of all files from ./acl sudo setfacl --restore acl .PHONY: user-perms user-perms: ## Grant running user all permissions. Need for git operations. Does not get copied to real filesystem find root -type f | xargs sudo setfacl -m "u:${USER}:r" find root -type d | xargs sudo setfacl -m "u:${USER}:rwx" .PHONY: skel skel: ## Creates common directories needed mkdir -p root/etc/ mkdir -p root/usr/local/bin mkdir -p root/usr/local/lib/systemd/system mkdir -p root/usr/local/lib/sysusers.d