function main() { initCollage("collage") } function makeCroppieElem(elem, imgUrl) { cpie = new Croppie(elem, { viewport: { width: elem.clientWidth, height: elem.clientHeight, type: 'square' }, showZoomer: false, }); cpie.bind({ url: imgUrl }); return cpie } // collage state var collageDivId; var crops = []; function initCollage(divId) { collageDivId = divId const collageDiv = document.getElementById(collageDivId) for(elem of collageDiv.getElementsByClassName("collage-img")) { const cpie = makeCroppieElem(elem, elem.dataset.collageImageUrl) const lastLen = crops.push(cpie) elem.dataset.collageCropieIndex = lastLen - 1 } } function showCrop() { for(cpie of crops) { console.log(cpie.get()) console.log(cpie.element.clientWidth) console.log(cpie.element.clientHeight) } } async function makeCollage(req) { const resp = await fetch("make-collage", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(req), }) return await resp.text(); } function snap() { const collageDiv = document.getElementById(collageDivId) col = collageDiv.offsetLeft; cot = collageDiv.offsetTop; console.log("----------------------") req = { background_image: "", aspect: { width: 3150, height: 2250, }, dimension: { width: collageDiv.clientWidth, height: collageDiv.clientHeight, }, photos: [], }; for(elem of collageDiv.getElementsByClassName("collage-img")) { const cpie = crops[elem.dataset.collageCropieIndex] // console.log(cpie.get().points) // console.log(elem.offsetLeft - col) // console.log(elem.offsetTop - cot) // console.log(elem.clientWidth) // console.log(elem.clientHeight) const fsx = elem.offsetLeft - col const fsy = elem.offsetTop - cot const [sx, sy, ex, ey] = cpie.get().points; const photo = { image: elem.dataset.collageImageUrl.slice("images/".length), crop: { start: { x: parseInt(sx), y: parseInt(sy), }, end: { x: parseInt(ex), y: parseInt(ey), }, }, frame: { start: { x: fsx, y: fsy, }, end: { x: fsx + elem.clientWidth, y: fsy + elem.clientHeight, }, }, }; } console.log(JSON.stringify(req)); (async () => { collagFile = await makeCollage(req) // const collageUrlA = document.createElement("a"); const collageUrlA = document.getElementById("collage-url"); collageUrlA.href = `collages/${collagFile}`; collageUrlA.text = `${collagFile} generated`; })(); }